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fliptonic6 karma

Just how easy is it to get a high quality(indistinguishable) passport? What's the cost?

fliptonic3 karma

So you knew people that could get you those passports?

I know little about travel, since I've never left where I was born. Would they be able to stamp those arrival and departure stamps people typically do? It would be strange for you be to arriving home with no sign of ever having left on the passport.

Oh and remove the zero at the end of your last link so that it can funtion properly in RES.

It says, ".jpg0" not ".jpg"

fliptonic3 karma

They tried Timeline therapy and such. Didn't work. I think because I had already suspected it might have been ADHD, and asked about it, they tried to avoid giving me meds thinking I'm just some young kid looking to get high off drugs.

fliptonic2 karma

Truly, the only problem I have with this in my country is that doctors that go to free clinics could give a fuck less about their job their.

It's the only place you can come to work 3 hours late every day and spend an hour setting up to meet your patients and no one will reprimand you.

fliptonic2 karma

Okay, here I go. First things first, yes I know this is the internet and a proper diagnosis would be better at a psychiatrist face-to-face(I'll be seeing one later).

Alright, when I was young child I would chat endlessly about the most mundane things. Even if I see you were bored I would talk away anyway. I never spent any of my own time on school work unless it was to avoid getting beaten for not doing it. Studying however, was simply never something I did. Couldn't find myself doing it for a too long. Simply put before I could even complete a page my mind would be on something else. Though you may remember those few moment where you'd have read something and realise you don't remember thing you read and had to immediately go back over the last page. This exact thing happened all the time with me. Even if I read for leisure. Some of the other things I remember about this time that persisted throughout the years were:

  1. Zoning out frequently in conversations. I would go off an a thought as you were talking and pop back, mid conversation, trying to play catch up by reading signals. This wasn't a rare thing at all, it was very common.

  2. I was very forgetful. I frequently lost track of things. Phones, glasses, keys, things I borrowed, etc. I wouldn't remember to do things requested of me.

  3. I never organized anything. If I went to school it would be with the same books in my bag I had from the start of the week. I was always untidy and the depression simply made me not care about it in the slightest.

  4. I have a thing against turn-based games of any form. Especially with friends. Uno, monopoly, card games, etc, I simply hated the thought of waiting for someone else to take turns. Even worse when someone decided to interrupt and ask to join. I had little patience and it easily infuriated me. Living in a country known for people showing up late to everything has taken a toll on my mind and I simply avoid asking others to drop me somewhere or any other thing that makes me dependent on someone else for my time management(what little I have).

My constant chatter somewhat isolated me and made me a prime target for teasing. My dad beating me for every little thing didn't help at all and by around 8 years old my outlook on my future was very bleak and I constantly thought about suicide.

I now talk a significantly less and pretty much avoid people. I was a lot friendlier as a young child but now I find reasons to avoid social events and typically avoid meeting new people.

All that said, with the things I mentioned my pscyhiatrist told me she thought it was ADHD but because I have a significantly high IQ (The number of which she never cared to tell me) and I showed no signs of being hyper she thinks it must be something else.

I soon left because it was honestly wasn't doing a thing for me but draining my pockets.

Looking up ADHD recently I noticed several things.

  1. I don't have to be hyper and my IQ can be whatever it damn well pleases.

  2. The things I mentioned directly pointed towards ADHD and depression. After reviewing her opinion I believe she must have thought the depression was the only concern.

What are your thoughts?