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fluffypuppiness141 karma

So I was 12 and I met this guy online, and we started talking. He'd ask me weird questions, like if I shaved, my bra size, what colour underwear I was wearing, you know the normal creepy stuff. He saw me on webcam a couple times, but I never showed him anything. One day he stopped coming online, and I sent him a message. His response was "I can't do this I'm getting married." I was so shocked, I cried for a long time at how stupid I was. It was the worst, and how he ended it surprised me since he said he was 16. Do they ever end it like that? just a random "I need to stop."

fluffypuppiness5 karma

4 minutes in and It's already full. Man Reddit loves you Mr. Pascal.

Anyways I wanted to ask do you have any rituals or techniques for getting into character, or does it just happen naturally? You are such a perfect Oberyn...how do you do that?!