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foodfighter562 karma

We still went to Japan.

Yup - he was in the military all right...

foodfighter2 karma

How did you go about the actual reddit intro? (Link to your original intro post?)

Would you have done the intro any different?

Also, did you concurrently introduce yourself via email/Twitter/FaceBook/etc... to other channels? (online mags, professional bloggers, ???) and if so what was or was not efective for you and why?

It seems like once one has a site up and running you want to get the word out about yourself as explosively as possible, and I'm wondering if you explored other channels besides reddit.


foodfighter2 karma

Thanks for the info!

Having read the original post, do you still feel that Twitter Bootstrap would have been your development tool of choice?

Second, they say that one should start off an enterprise assuming that you will become big/successful and structure accordingly. That said, would RackSpace have still been an affordable/appropriate hosting solution for you at the start? (I notice earlier comments in your original post about using Amazon)

And lastly I gotta ask - your comments about "not much $$$ from social media" (I assume you mean from AdSense of the like). What is your primary business model? Do you add a percentage/fee on transactions for providing a one-stop-shop for people so they don't have to scour around for the project developer's website?

Thanks again, and great AMA!

foodfighter2 karma

Great info! Thanks again for doing the AMA - always nice to hear a voice from the inside, so to speak.

foodfighter1 karma

How are you planning to use the capital to expand your business?

And at the risk of sounding indelicate - what sort of cost in terms of control did you have to pay your backers for their investment? (not looking for specific numbers, but do you now have to answer to a larger group of people for your actions, etc.?)

As a small business owner I sometimes wonder at what point the added issues that come along with raising capital outweigh the benefits of expanding your business.