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foodybu10 karma

Paster says that memes are the fools fig leaf.

foodybu5 karma

Hi, have you ever had an experience with a patient who has methemoglobinemia? I was surprised to learn that this condition can be deadly within a matter of minutes (happened to me) and that the 5 doctors I had to deal with had never heard of this.

foodybu3 karma

I was at the dentist having deep cleaning done and also pull 2 bad teeth. They used lidocaine gel to numb my gums for the cleaning, and in just a few minutes I started feeling dizzy. They said it was my nerves. When it was time for pulling teeth, the dentist did shots that were lidocaine (I think?) I immediately got dizzy, hot, heart racing, left side of body went numb, turned gray all over, oxygen level got to 79, shaking, was going in and out of consciousness. I kept screaming I didn't want to die. It seemed that many people were around me but I think it was only 3.

A lot of EMT's had to put a tarp under me and take me to a stretcher because the room was too small to bring a stretcher in. I then could tell I was dead weight, that's why so many carried me. For some reason I started feeling better once in the ambulance. All I can say is it was god. They kept talking to me, telling me to stay awake.

I got to ER at hospital, they give me steroid shot, nebulizer treatment and oxygen tube on nose. I dont' really remember any of it. My oxygen level wouldn't get past 85, so I had to stay overnight. I just kept getting better. But, I would feel weird and tired a lot.

About 4 days after I got out of hospital, dentist called me and said he found out about methemoglobinemia and said that sounds like what I had. I went to a hemotologist, but by the time I could make the appt, it was almost out of my system. Nothing could be done at that point. It took about 2 months for me to get completely well.

That dr. told me I was suppose to have been given methylene blue immediately. I just couldnt' believe that doctors, nurses, dentist don't know about this.

I started reading a lot about it and found out that babies die from orajel. And that some patients who die at hospitals have the wrong cause of death noted because doctor doesn't know about this and says they die from something else.

A couple of months ago, I found out about a 3 yr old girl who died at a dentist office. It was on the news, dentists said they didn't know how she died. I got in touch with a family member of this family through facebook and told them this could be the reason. I never heard back from them.

foodybu2 karma

It was last October and I was 51. I have had these type of medicines before and nothing happened. I found out that can happen.

foodybu2 karma

No one told me to follow up. The only thing I have found so far is I have to be sedated, put to sleep like for surgery. I haven't found anything else. One place I looked into said they will do everything you need at one time, and you won't have to keep going back again over and over so they can keep getting your money.

When i was at the dentist, they did get one side of my mouth done with the deep cleaning. But, the other side hasn't been done and the bad teeth are still there.

I have called a few dentists just to see if they would do a regular cleaning since I can't have this medicine, they all said no. They said if a person needs deep cleaning, they won't do a regular one. So, I guess I will never have anything done!

I have a lot of dental problems, too. Besides the 2 bad teeth and one side of my mouth not cleaned, I also have 2 large top front teeth that I wanted to be fixed, replaced, or something. I also have TMJ and my mouth stays open all the time. The 2 bad teeth are mostly broken off and have caused all my other teeth to be moved, now I could really use braces. This makes my big teeth stick out even more. I also have bruxism.

I just don't have the money to get all this stuff done, so I thought the cleaning and teeth pulling were the most important.