Highest Rated Comments

fooshards450 karma

So many people here don't quite understand that at your core you are a weapons manufacturer. I agree with you in your stance to maximize the effectiveness of the weapon while taking steps to minimizing the permanent effects of using the weapon. The same cannot be said about most weaponry companies, where the focus is on maximizing both of those parameters. Thank you for doing this ama and thank you for humanizing the use of force.

fooshards85 karma

20k per 9 months is barely above minimum wage. I don't know. If I wanted to use my body and alter my life for a year I'd expect a lot more than that. Not to draw an unfair parallel, but escorts and strippers make easily triple that for using their bodies. Which this is, make no mistake about it, using your body for financial gain. An intro level programmer or other such relevant career which doesn't involve your internal organs pays twice as much. Maybe it's because I'm male, and don't understand the whole maternal thing, but it seems... very low.

fooshards83 karma

That seems really low considering the risks involved... Unless you mean 20k / month and then it seems really high...

fooshards19 karma

Increases are what make the physical aspects of the addiction sink in. You must maintain more days (including nights) sober or it's going to end up sneaking up on you. Spoken from experience

fooshards16 karma

They see that you are connecting to Google, not the query strings or returned content.