Highest Rated Comments

foreveracubone213 karma

Looks like you have one less secret.

foreveracubone172 karma

Do similar emails work for grad schools?

foreveracubone168 karma

y not? 81 blunts neffew

foreveracubone90 karma

They're honestly entirely different once you get beyond the cursory similarity of both looking at the war on drugs from new perspectives.

The Wire is a tragedy in the style of the Greeks about the corruption and decay of the American city and why the failure of bureaucratic institutions (replacing the Gods in Greek tragedy) is causing this.

Breaking Bad isn't a treatise on the war on drugs being a failure. Their style is entirely different. Breaking Bad is a cinematic western that keeps you on the edge of your seat at every minute. The Wire season after season went at a snail's pace for ~6-8 episodes before finally reaching climax. Most of all though, BrBa is a show about moral agency with an entirely different thesis. The Wire tries to argue that institutions bearing down on kids like Bodie and businessmen like Stringer force them into selling drugs to stay alive. Just like the numbers game forces cops to go after small time drug arrests instead of solving felonies that dumbs down the police force, attracts thugs and makes them incapable of actual detective work.

At every point, Walt and Jesse have the option to stop cooking. They (but mostly Walt) chooses to keep going deeper. He could've gotten out when his friend offered to pay for chemo. He could've gotten out when he saw how crazy Tuco was. He could have gotten out after his first deal with Gus, etc. He chooses to go on because the money and ego boost are what he wants. This is completely different from the Wire saying that none of the characters have a choice in what they do (besides McNulty really). If you step out of line from what your institution dictates (be it the drug gangs or the police) you get fucked (see McNulty again).

TL;DR The Wire should definitely be watched by Breaking Bad fans, but one is an apple and the other is an orange.

foreveracubone87 karma

I think its interesting that you're willing to click on /r/spaceclop or /r/dragonsfuckingcars and not /r/massivecock.

The latter won't scar you for life at least.