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franklenraymond20 karma

Robin, do you know how much money our federal government currently spends on defense and weaponry? Do you think that the citizenry will ever come close to being able to overthrow that? Does the citizenry have tanks and fighter jets and all those goodies? Is that your understanding of what you think will happen some day? If so, then I want to know more about how that is going to happen? Also like, where the quote in italics that you gave me came from.

franklenraymond20 karma

I don't have full details at this time as to the full contract/agreement with Congel, but I will say that going forward I will not vote for any developer subsidies unless there is a clear and contractual CBA (or Community Benefits Agreement) in place (which should include local hiring requirements), and then only after it has been determined that the development is in the interest of all Syracusan's not only financially, but also socially, and culturally (malls at the expense of downtown fulfills none of those requirements in my mind). Now that you bring this question up, I am curious to research if there are any currently available matrix templates for judging the feasibility of a development subsidy request in the light of other factors (such as social welfare).

franklenraymond14 karma

You would do that? Leave it lying on your bedside table, with no lock, where anyone could grab it? Locked you say? What if it was mandated to be locked? Is that infringing on your rights? These hypothetical bug out scenarios are tiring you have no idea what the power holders would resort to if there was an armed civilian uprising, neither do I. You keep your guns and I'll keep working to create equality by developing jobs, health care resources, housing, and free peanuts at my local pub. Btw, the current military and police already fight against their own citizens (during protests and occupations), why would they not in the future?

franklenraymond14 karma

The neighborhood I live in has 68.2% of its residents living in poverty. Nutrition is a key factor in success and education. Many of these poeple do not have enough food or are in need to food prep assistance and education. One way to do this is to model healthy food choices by providing healthy and balances lunches, and providing them for free for these children in need, of which it is noit their fault they are living in such conditions. This is a long-view issue, we may pay more for school lunches now, and hopefully our community will benefit by better educated and better behaved adults in the future. All schools should have agricultural education as part of the curriculum and contain school gardens on site that is able to prepare and provide some of the lunch ingredients.

franklenraymond8 karma

I was hoping one of you would have that answer for me :>) Like I said, the shadow of Bernie Sanders right now is pulling many of our local progressives to spend their time organizing debate watching parties and getting signatures for the Bernie lists, and not working on our local progressive campaigns unfortunately, even though the election is over a year off. Ask them to turn off the TV, video games, music videos, and other screen time suckers for a week, and absorb the world around them, it might make them see what's actually going on in this world?