Highest Rated Comments

fromyourscreentomine51 karma

Fuck pride, everyone in my family, cousins, brothers, sisters; married or not, have all moved home. Everyone is doing it, moving home is natural. It now takes multiple incomes to scrape by.

fromyourscreentomine11 karma

I cry at strange random moments, or when I really start to dwell on Iraq. It's more of the people I miss then the experience it self but tears seem more normal these days.

fromyourscreentomine9 karma

Welcome to our for profit justice system.

fromyourscreentomine8 karma

Thanks, you too.

fromyourscreentomine3 karma

It is amazing how much smarter criminals are to politicians; and they are the real criminals. I don't think drug dealers are criminal in my eyes, they are resisting an unconstitutional law. To me selling drugs is no different then the men who sold booze during prohibition. This is a drug prohibition and one we will win someday. To think that Texas had to close down 3 prisons because of law changes on drugs. America needs a change, and your just the man to see it happen.