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ftbmynameis5 karma

What I never understood about wrestling is that some moves if they would actually execute them to hurt the opponent, they would instantly kill them I guess. So the whole thing is more of a show. But if it is a show.. what determines the winner of a fight??! Wrestling is not known in my country.. so could someone explain this to me? :)

ftbmynameis1 karma

When I see something like this it makes me sad. Very sad indeed, especially because I am kinda depressed (but physically healthy) and not living my life the way I'd wish or dream and especially not enjoying it while someone like you full of positive energy has to struggle with suck an illness. I hope it'll get better and you can enjoy a long and healthy life after you've beaten the shit out of this little bastard!

ps: I just have to say these CT pictures look more like you're a tumor with a human and not a human with a tumor :p

ftbmynameis1 karma

Yeah.. I guess the basic question is how to judge a physical and a physical sickness because on a rational point of view a physical sickness just means somethings wrong in his mind but his body is just fine. But people start to kill them self (even with a healthy body) which just makes me think at least if there ain't something wrong with the way this stuff sometimes gets valuated by people/society. But that's just a little side note (I hope it was understandable what I meant my english is sometimes a little obstackle :p)

But thanks for your kind words. I guess it's not too bad for me, I just have to get my ass up. The best for me is that actually I can change something but in your case I guess there is not much for you to do except hoping your doc knows what hes doing.. I sincerely hope he does and you can kill this bastard in your tummy for the last and final time!! Are there any updates on your situation? The CT looks kinda scary to me to be honest, maybe I am wrong but in any case I don't see how you can handle this. a lot of respect for you just because of the way you live with this :)