Highest Rated Comments

fuckmatt100 karma

Your page radiates appreciation and respect for the people you photograph. I can honestly say that HONY has made me more open minded, and joyful to watch people in the city.

P.S. You should come to the Upper East Side more often

fuckmatt25 karma

If you're planning on leaving anyway, might as well make the offer on your way out.

fuckmatt6 karma

That dude who replied to you was spot on, I suggest reading his response again.

fuckmatt1 karma

They are not sociopaths, they are people basically the same as you and I with a high capacity for greed, manipulation, and rationalization. The people that do these things are able to because they have a seriously compromised view of personal ethics when it comes to decisions involving power/money; other people are collateral damage, statistics, legal jargon on millions of foreclosure notices located at the bottom of this chain a CEO can be at the very top of. It is important to distinguish that this is a person corrupted by years of conditioning to be the very best, not a sociopath.

fuckmatt1 karma

I agree that the threat of bad publicity can be powerful against large banks, but to an extent; major news outlets (especially within America) do not give scandals such as LIBOR or the recent BoA whistleblower major coverage. I think that some of the fault lies within the apathy of the American public at large; they are desensitized to news of financial wrongdoing, especially in 2013. However, I wonder how long our country can really exist without prosecution of immoral bankers, and the larger trend of lenient/facetious regulation in corporate America.