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fuges2157 karma

What is Jon Stewart like behind the scenes? Any funny stories?

fuges2117 karma

Let's say I have gone through all of college and Pharmacy school without a car. I have about 8 grand saved up and need to buy a car for my upcoming year of rotations. What would you recommend? Should I look at car lots? Or maybe buy from someone selling a car personally? Any make/model I should look at? Thanks!!

fuges215 karma

Thanks for the great reply!

fuges211 karma

I am in my third year of Pharmacy school and currently learning about CF in our pulmonary module. If you have any questions about your medications I would be happy to help!

fuges211 karma

Hello Gov. Johnson, thank you for doing this AMA.

I am finishing my Doctorate of Pharmacy and when I graduate in May, I will have 6 figures of debt going into a declining job market.

What do you think about the increasing prices of education and it's effect on the economy?