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funkymoves9145 karma

Sad story, but I tend to want to verify everything I read on the internet. I'm not saying you are lying, please don't misunderstand me.

I would just like to know if you have any proof supporting your side, because the link you provided kinda makes me believe the "official" story. There are aspects which are not in your favor (apparently you are relatives of the suspect...that is a fact and it caught my eye). As for everything else, it's just one side of the story so without proof, the "official" story has absolutely no value to me (and your side does not as well).

Ideally, Police officers would always wear cameras recording what they do so that they are accountable, but this was apparently not the case here. Maybe you have surveillance footage ?

I've seen many videos where police officers shot dogs even if it was not absolutely necessary, but in most cases the dogs were aggressive and it's not hard to understand how the officer came to shooting the poor dog : I'm in danger, I have no specific training and/or equipment to handle this situation, either I shoot or I can get hurt/killed. In your case, the police apparently came to your house/garden, so they might have been tresspassing. If your dog was secured (couldn't get out of your garden), they should have just retreated. If your dog was able to attack them and was not attached to something, then they had to defend themselves somehow.

quick edit : I might add that I really hope you have proof, because if you go to court with this, it's going to be your word against the officer's word. And sadly in those cases I think that the officer will have more chances of winning.

TLDR: Need proof. "He said", "We said" has no value.

funkymoves915 karma

Were you there ?

I really hate these cute dog/agressive dog stereotypes. Next we are going to hear that all pitbulls are agressive but all dogs that look cute would never attack anyone. I don't know what happened. I just want more info+proof before judging the police or the owner.

funkymoves915 karma

Good if you have proof. Apparently this thread was closed due to lack of proof for your AMA, but as long as you are OK in court, you'll be able to make the officer pay for his mistake.

funkymoves911 karma

That's sad because often people will be more inclined to believe the police than someone else...

funkymoves911 karma

Agree on the ability to control an agressive dog. Then again, the article said that the K9 instructor did use 2 methods to try to calm the dog or at least get him away from his team but they didn't work. Again, this is "what he said" so it doesn't really have any value as far as finding out the truth goes...