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funnybillypro50 karma

Oh god, good question. My Bumble bio says, "I do a sex podcast. Less of a brag, more of a disclaimer."

The podcast provides both advantages and disadvantages for meeting women. On the one hand, it definitely prevents certain people from dating a guy who will talk about it on the internet. Though that's true for a lot of creators and artists—Taylor Swift is the best example!

But it also allows me to filter out women who would never be a fit for me. I'm nonmonogamous. I'm sex-positive (and need to date someone who is, too). I like raunchy humor. Having that out there has saved me (and another person) from a lot of first dates that would have gone nowhere.

Also, it definitely attracts people either in my DMs or who think it's awesome that I'm open sexually. When you're honest about who you are, you'll find a lot more people will be honest to you about who they are.

funnybillypro45 karma

Look, a lot of people make mistakes. Sometimes that mistake is sleeping with me.

funnybillypro32 karma

The episode I put out 2 weeks ago with my ex-girlfriend was the most difficult episode I've ever produced—emotionally. They reached out to me out of the blue (they use they/them pronouns) and asked to do the show to promote a project of theirs. So I was nervous for a few weeks leading up to it. Then doing it left me in tears when they closed the door to leave. And then it must have taken me four different attempts to sit down and listen to it (i usually only need to listen once).

This show, for me, is the definition of emotional labor. It's not always a rosey picture. It's not always fun sex stories. Sometimes it really feels like I'm tearing myself open and exposing the bad AND the good.

Honestly, it may be a little bit before I reach out to an emotionally significant ex-partner because of how difficult that was.

funnybillypro30 karma

Why would I be out of a job? I'd still be talking about sex, dating, and love with a lot of kickass people. There're still fun stories to reminisce upon and lessons to learn from past partners. Two romantic relationships have started and ended during the podcast.

I've been asked this question a lot but I never thought, "Oh, if I get a girlfriend it's all over." I guess people think my girlfriend wouldn't want me to talk to my exes. But I would never wanna date someone who was intimidated by that.

funnybillypro25 karma

Keep making a dope show, first and foremost. Make something people can't hear elsewhere—there's no straight guy on the internet doing something like this in this way. Most straight guys doing sex shows are pick-up artists or trying to teach you how to get laid. And I'm not trying to teach anyone anything.

I think one of the most valuable things I do is I connect with my listeners. Forming bonds with your audience gets them emotionally invested in you as a person—in a way, I am a character to people who are tuning in each week to see how I fucked up next or what wild story happened. Like, I mail physical thank you notes to my Patreon members of a certain tier. I write marginalia notes for them—for those I've gotten to know, I'm writing super personalized notes. I sign it. I arrive in their mail box every month. Some patrons I've been mailing for years and basically memorized their addresses.

I answer basically every email, every DM, and respond to comments/tweets where there's something to say. And that gets people emotionally connected to me—not just subscribed on a podcast app.

You hook those fans, they're yours for a longgggg time. (and i'm sorry to say 'hook 'em' like it's some kind of scam, but I feel hooked to a lot of my listeners too).