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fyi86 karma

Hahahahahaha no no It's actually not that sorta meeting. I have an ex that passed away when we were in high-school. Just want to get into a dimension of sleep where I can see him and tell him about how nice my life turned out. And how much he would have loved my son...and how his parents are doing well and just how everyone still thinks of him...over a decade later.

No clean up necessary for this one.

fyi82 karma

So basically I look like Snooki. The fat version. Strangers even tell me. What I want is to look like snooki NOW. So u have an idea of how tall I am, Im 5"2. What do I need to do. Ive gained so much weight this year im at 145. Super depressed about it. What confuses me... and my family is... I eat really well. Dont junk too much and eat a ton of good veggies and fruits.

What should I do... im starting to not fit in anything. Please please please help.

fyi82 karma

Do you need a secretary.

Also does your secretary get a black passport as well?

And do you need a secretary ?

I can also hold bags and bring your coffee.

fyi82 karma

Do you think taking probiotics like vsl3 or bizone are good for people like us ? (I have Ulcerative Colitis)

fyi82 karma

I want to have a dream about a particular experience or person ....or dare I say experience with a person. Please tell me how to do that!???

And do any of your 3 books talk about that?