Highest Rated Comments

gaensblogger9 karma

Which of Peter Singer's positions do you disagree with?

gaensblogger7 karma

What's the one idea from effective altruism you differ most on from the rest of this community?

gaensblogger6 karma

Effective altruism is already making much headway in the English-speaking world. What can or will the effective altruism movement do in the future to reach out to other major nations, such as the rest of the EU, Japan, China, and India?

How would you respond to rebuttals that effective altruism isn't right for countries like China and India because they have hundreds of millions of their own people to lift out of poverty before they help the rest of the world?

gaensblogger6 karma

What do you think are the best careers someone can pursue besides earning to give our working directly for an effective non-profit organization?

gaensblogger6 karma

What's your opinion about the best way(s) to mitigate or end the harm of factory farming around the world?