Highest Rated Comments

gamelord12370 karma

I'm just glad I'm not fucking it up for everyone.

You are the dark humor in that show. Keep up the good work!

gamelord126 karma

Now that console versions are out, what are the odds of other operating systems on Steam before you move on to your next project?

gamelord125 karma

Just want to add my voice to say that I could see myself playing a lot of this game if it had Linux support.

gamelord123 karma

Wait a minute...my fantasy world where General Chaos gets remade is actually happening? I'm assuming that this is happening on touch devices, since it makes the most sense. What kind of business model, platforms, or other details are there for this game? I'm generally indifferent to EA (who I'm assuming holds the rights to the game), but their business models with touch games as of late would be to the detriment of a proper General Chaos.

gamelord123 karma

Make a strong push for Viewtiful Joe.