Highest Rated Comments

garthim91 karma

The Space Apps Challenge is fantastic!! How can I be most effective in finding solutions to these issues?

garthim91 karma

Are there any limitations or restrictions for the participants or entries to the NSAC?

garthim91 karma

Wow, dude. The entire point of this program, as well as this AMA, is to promote the sharing of ideas on how to better our world, our lives, and humanity as a whole. Those of us who are interested in this and want to participate in the AMA need accounts to do so. I had to create one just to ask my questions. If you don't have anything positive to add to this project, surf some other page.

garthim90 karma

If you are insinuating that my account is a puppet account for promotional purposes only, I can assure you, ticklenuts123, I am a regular Joe who just found out about the Space Apps Challenge a few days ago and I am totally jazzed over it. I am looking to take part in the event and I want to know more about how I can be most effective while participating. My immediate, positive comment simply shows my enthusiasm for this challenge. I hope my search for input does not make anyone look at this AMA in a negative light.