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genserik6 karma

Hey, hopefully you have time to answer my questions. I have a family of hunters, but I'm a city guy and a tech nerd. Tried hunting once, no good. I'm a good shot, was in the military, I just never enjoyed hunting...anyways - the questions....

A rifle has way more punch and the pistol is a burden but if a predator ever makes it on top of me the rifle is useless and my pistol becomes mobile and a life saver.

Has this ever happened? I saw the black bear, and know that they are more docile than the grizzly, but are still ferocious none the less. I would like to know if you have ever been attacked by an animal while hunting.

Also, please tell me the story of the bear kill. I love the taxidermy work that you had done with it...

Have you ever had the chance/opportunity to hunt Buffalo with a native american tribe? I know they are all about using every piece of meat/bone/organ from the buffalo, but it costs $$$ to do.

If you had the chance to hunt any animal, regardless of rules/regulations, and let's pretend that all the animals that exist today were not endangered at all, which animal would you want to hunt the most? Which animal would you never hunt, because of your love/respect/admiration for it?

genserik4 karma

Yea I know, I know. I didn't expect it to happen. But me and my newborn baby watched Marco Polo while I was on leave. Nothing like watching Marco Polo at 3AM while feeding a baby :)

Thanks again for your time :D

genserik3 karma

TechN9ne. FTFY - Either way, very good choices.

genserik3 karma

Thank you. I wouldn't kill an eagle either. Heck, there are several animals I just wouldn't kill because of how incredible they are, but cows and deer....they taste delicious. And are abundant. My uncle has gone on one of those buffalo trips. The amount of meat you get is stupid. He bought another freezer because it filled up his first one and the second one he bought.

genserik2 karma

Can't wait for S2. You should do something in one of the scenes, maybe have one of the make up artists do a fake tatoo of the reddit alien, or perhaps the imgur giraffe on your skin, I don't know. Anyways...

Can you do a favor for us all and ask the producers/writers to make Marco Polo twice as long, but retain the same number of episodes? Or perhaps, make twice as many episodes, but keep the same length as the current ones?

I know that you will make this happen and come through for all of us.

Thanks ;)