Highest Rated Comments

giant_snark22 karma

Mozzarella sticks as peripherals, you say? Sold!

EDIT: Thanks for the gold! Surprise gold is best gold.

giant_snark11 karma

Could you tell us more about just how much there is in a single star system? Are there multiple distinct locations you can travel between (and how would you do that), or is it one very large area you can travel through freely with interesting features in different parts? If the system is very large, are there fast-travel mechanics besides jump points?

giant_snark6 karma

The only hint of this that I've heard is that some advanced automatic piloting options might need more expensive flight computers that might be unnecessary if you're good at doing it manually.

giant_snark4 karma

Just to be clear, you can still get and keep the same insurance as backers with LTI - you just have to pay a few credits to renew it. The only part that's ambiguous in my mind is whether there is any difference in areas with a very high risk level. Shoot, I should have submitted this as a question.

giant_snark3 karma

Aside from obvious graphical updates, what are some ways that WFTO will improve on the original Dungeon Keeper games?