Highest Rated Comments

gigamosh577 karma

How much of the scenes are actually written vs. Improvised?

Do you specify any more than the type of scene (straight, small, bukkake, whatever)?

How often do you tell your actors to do a retake because they didn't fit the storyline (more like a cable repairman this time)?

gigamosh573 karma

First off, I would like to say that MSF is a dream job of mine. You guys do amazing work for some of the neediest people and it makes me proud to know that people are out there who will dedicate their lives to this kind of thing.

My wife is on her way through nursing school now (and did Peace Corps with me). We have talked about doing something like MSF for a long time once she has some medical experience under her belt. I also have a wide range of experience working in developing countries doing WASH work.

  • 3 years in the Philippines doing Water Sanitation as a Peace Corps Volunteer

  • 5 years in the water industry in the US doing a wide range of field and desktop based water science.

  • 5 years in the US doing mountain search and rescue (coping with bad weather and sicker people)

A few questions:

  • Do you place couples together?

  • Is experience as a working nurse enough to be useful to MSF?

  • How can we make our application stronger?

  • What are the range of lengths in assignment?

  • Are you generally in one place for the duration of your assignment or is it a very transient thing?

  • How quickly do you mobilize after a disaster?

Thanks again!!

gigamosh572 karma

Do you have any relatively easy projects that you keep on your list just for fun? What is your favorite long easy climb/place to climb long easy stuff?

gigamosh571 karma

What is the scariest public health disaster you think could realistically result from misapplication of nanotechnology?

gigamosh571 karma

Thanks for all that, I figured a lot of info could come from their website, but if the source is offering, I might as well ask!