Highest Rated Comments

glowtape4 karma

I had always issues with Greens. The best WD drives I have are a bunch of 500GB RE2 from 2007 that have been powered almost constantly. They're still truckin' without issues. I have a bunch of RE4 now, too, but once a while they're doing some thermal recalibration or whatever that grinding out of the blue is. Doesn't sound reassuring.

Speaking of Raid Editions, how much of it is marketing and how much actual additional QA?

glowtape2 karma

No criticism directly pointed towards NZXT, but this is something more general. Why are most computer cases so goddamn ugly? So many frills, intakes and weird shapes all over it. Seems almost none of the manufacturers have simple sleek/minimal designs.

glowtape2 karma

Do the Blue ones actually have variable RPM, or is it just an implication that isn't true? Same was said about the Greens in the beginning, until it was proven they spin at constant 5900rpm.

glowtape1 karma

Looks more like what I want.

I changed case a while ago and went with the 650D from Corsair. It's nice and sleek (apart from the huge exhaust port on the top). Could have been windowless, tho.