Highest Rated Comments

gobstopper84453 karma

Reading this AMA is much more fun when I remember that Victoria is transcribing everything he says.

gobstopper8478 karma

She is adorable! I love her big smile.

gobstopper8444 karma

Why are you doing an AMA today? I don't mean to sound rude. I'm really asking if you're promoting something (that I will buy as soon as it comes out) or if you just love Reddit.

gobstopper847 karma

I heard that most of our water problems would be solved if we all stopped watering ours lawns, and planted succulents in our front yard instead. Is this true? If yes, how do we initiate a culture change?

gobstopper842 karma

That's an awesome plan! I work in cancer research and I can confirm that a BRCA1 mutation is a bitch. I would advise you to get a mammogram twice a year even after the mastectomy because the surgery isn't a fix-all. Good luck to you!