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gotogoatmeal61 karma

Gene Cernan, yo.

gotogoatmeal9 karma

He did the address from your school? I thought they got him outta there right away.

gotogoatmeal6 karma

I worked for LUSH, and my manager said that the person on the sticker was a supervisor at the factory and that his sticker went on to produts that his team made. Not that every single worker had his own stickers and stuck his face onto every single product he made, that would be crazy inefficient.

gotogoatmeal3 karma

Have I got a question for you! MRI magnets: I learned about them in a neuroimaging course and haven't been able to get an answer to my question since. How are they transported if they're so damn powerful? Most modes of transportation are metal. To preempt any redditors who link me to the How It's Made episode about MRIs, thanks, but it doesn't answer my question. Thank you!

gotogoatmeal3 karma

It sounds as though community members couldn't be convinced of his abusiveness because of his good-standing with the public. How often and how fervently did you try to portray to people how awful he was? I guess I mean-did you go into detail and quote him verbatim and people straight up were like "nah, bullshit," or were discussions about him more vague and liable to be construed as "she's just a kid who isn't getting along with her dad right now."? Thanks for doing this :)