Highest Rated Comments

gradadv103 karma

Just how crucial do you believe Shelby Foote was to your film?

gradadv2 karma

No question. Just chimed in to say this is a fascinating AMA.

gradadv2 karma

Thanks for doing this. I'm a biomedical researcher. Funding cuts have been devastating. Is there any hope to waking up congress? What can we do?

gradadv1 karma

Some skeptics claim cancer researchers are NOT trying to find cancer cures, because treating cancer is far more lucrative. Have you run into any such people, and what is your reaction to that?

gradadv1 karma

I know this sounds odd, but it is true. When I first saw Cuckoo's nest, I was just massively struck by the short scene of a squirrel traveling across a utility wire. For whatever reason, it seems to be a superb, simple and beautiful moment in cinematography. In my mind, it is the most memorable moment in the film. How did that scene come about? Why did it make it into the final cut?