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grammarpolice13322 karma

But as a priest, you can adopt children! One of the priests I had growing up adopted two daughters.

grammarpolice131 karma

It's really interesting, and they even had a guy come and visit the hospital where a young man had been for some months recovering from a motocross accident like yours. He later joined the team, but was told if he regained full function in his legs, he'd have to leave the team.

grammarpolice131 karma

This is directed to all of you guys: What did it take, degree-wise, for you to get to the positions you hold today, and do you feel like your personal writing style has grown since you started working for the Review? I ask because I have received opposing advice as to whether an MFA would benefit my career as an editor and a writer from faculty and alumni of my college. How often do you accept work from writers without an agent, as opposed to already well-established writers?