Highest Rated Comments

greenbanana1714 karma

Why are you such a typical boot?

greenbanana178 karma

Jacksonville mall.

greenbanana175 karma

  1. In country you are just an 0311. Nobody carries missiles around. You are infantry like everyone else.
  2. Haven't seen it.
  3. Javelin is much better and much cooler and safer. It also costs 10x as much per shot. The TOW will get you killed to kill a tank. The Javelin won't. Luckily there aren't any tanks to fight.

greenbanana172 karma

Again. There are multiple rounds for the TOW. Only one of them is top attack. I have never seen one. Maybe the army gets them or something. Every missile I have seen was direct attack. Flying over something is impossible for an 0352. We are infantry.

greenbanana172 karma

Things have come a long way in 8 years. I would still call Iraq a modern war and direct attack missiles were absolutely used on tanks in Iraq.