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grey_unknown339 karma

I'm glad we are trying to fix this problem, but the only way to do so is to talk about the facts.

Here are the FBI statistics on police officers assaulted by criminals.

As you can see, males are the ones that assault police officers.

We are perfectly fine admitting that, but somehow we can't talk about the real facts of race.

52% of cop assaults are by whites. 43% of cop assaults are by blacks.

Factor in 2010 census.

The white population is ~76%. The black population is ~15%.

This is government data. It shows a black male is far more likely to assault a cop vs a white male.

When we are finally willing to talk about the real problem, then we can talk about real solutions. Here's a good one:

  • A drug dealer usually carries a firearm for personal protection, and not to commit crime.

  • If cop tries to arrest him for selling drugs, then the drug dealer knows he'll also be charged for selling drugs while having a firearm. This drastically increases the punishment.

  • Therefore, a drug dealer has a strong incentive to resist and/or attack the cop, because he has so much to lose.

  • Poor people are far more likely to be arrested for drugs. Black minorities are poor, compared to white and Asian population.

With this information, and accepting that black males are more likely to sell drugs, then we can decide on whether to add firearm possession to the charge ... or just the drug selling, if the dealer has no violent and/or felony record.

And maybe even cut down on drug charges, since it unintentionally targets the poor population, regardless of race.

EDIT -----

I'm not sure why, but the comments make it clear I need to re-state what I stated.

  • I never heard or read any scientific evidence that shows a biological difference in violence between black males and white males.

  • Therefore, I look for scientific evidence based on a social reason.

  • Crime statistics show poor people are more likely to commit crimes. Black minority is more poor than white or asians.

  • Criminal statistics shows black males are more likely to attack cops vs whites and Asians.

  • We know many laws unfairly target poor people.

  • Therefore, we know poor people are more likely to commit crime, and therefore have more of a reason to resist arrest, to avoid unfair prison sentences.

  • Therefore, based on the evidence I have, black males are more likely to assault a cop because they're poor ... NOT because they're black.

  • We have evidence that sensitivity training doesn't work. Asking cops to avoid statistical probability, based on skin color, doesn't work ... because you're asking them to put their lives in even greater danger by ignoring statistical probability. You can't force people to completely ignore their ingrained will for survival.

  • Solution: Less harsh punishment for crimes that target poor people, especially drugs. This will give poor people less incentive to resist arrest by assaulting an officer = less black males assaulting officers.

Hope I'm clear. The problem is poverty, not race.

grey_unknown23 karma

music builds as Bruce Willis backs away, and walks out the hallway

“I should have known, way back when. You know why, David!?”

camera zooms away, as Bruce Willis keeps walking away

“Because of the kids ...”

zoom out, and he’s alone again. And whispers

“They called me Mr. Glass”

grey_unknown7 karma

Sorry, I had to. It’s one of my favorite movies.

My friend had some form of mild hormone based dwarfism. HGH and steroids fixed it. But, even though we didn’t go to the same schools ... and I grew up in a small and friendly school ...

He grew up in a giant school, and kids were monsters to anyone that doesn’t fit in correctly. It’s insane the human behavior that is built in to each of us, and drives us to want to punish people to conform and/or push them out of the group.

Sorry, this is way off topic. That’s why I love the movie, though. Human nature made him a monster.

grey_unknown3 karma


grey_unknown3 karma

I love you