Highest Rated Comments

guguz3ra1 karma

Your story is really inspiring. My parents divorced last year and my life is been pretty shit since that,everything that could go wrong is going wrong. But seeing your story and how you faced all those problems are really inspiring. I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure that you are going to be a succesful psychologist.

guguz3ra1 karma

Big fan here, can't wait or an opportunity to see you guys live(living in Brazil sucks :( )

Anyway, why you guys stopped playing Return to Energiser live ?It's such an incredible song on stage!

guguz3ra0 karma

What are your biggest inspirations ? The bands and artists that made you get into music and made you feel like it was what you wanted to do with your life ?

guguz3ra0 karma

Big fan here, wasting time is one of my favorite songs of all time.

Who are your biggest musical influences ? I remember seeing you guys covering a blink-182 song once, and it was awesome.