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gunpowdergreen29 karma

Last night on Letterman, former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said this about briefings in the White House briefing room vs. aboard Air Force One:

"It's very interesting to see the difference between the briefing in the White House, fully televised, carried online, tweeted about as it happens -- and the off-camera and on-the-record briefings I would do on Air Force One ... The difference is like night and day, in terms of the tenor ... [and] the kind of posing and histrionics and faux indignation that you get sometimes. ... When you're on TV, you tend to play for the cameras."

Can you speak to that from a journalist's perspective?

gunpowdergreen4 karma

Thank you for replying!

gunpowdergreen4 karma

Who would you rather grab a glass of wine with, Peter Sagal or Ira Glass (and why)?


gunpowdergreen3 karma

Throughout your entire career, what was your favorite story to report on?

gunpowdergreen3 karma

Though Michelle Norris pronounces it mEEshel, which is a bit peculiar.