Highest Rated Comments

gunslingers1391 karma

Did you tap it or untap it?

gunslingers160 karma

Hey Rich.

Roger Goodell is doing an AMA later here today.

What would you ask him?

gunslingers144 karma

That bitch stole my karma!

gunslingers40 karma

pretty month

gunslingers38 karma

Did you base any characters in The Kingkiller Chronicle off of personal heroes? If so, could you tell us which characters and which heroes of yours?

Do you have any desire to start a bar like Kvothe in your later years? I think an Eolian style bar would do well in Nashville with so many musicians living here. Shall we make this happen? I promise beer and money will runneth over.

What should I name my next batch of home brew beer? It's a Czech pilsner.