Highest Rated Comments

gwar37125 karma

To piggy back on that, do you know where David Miscavige's wife is?

gwar37121 karma

How did your grandfather feel about humanity after he saw just what people were capable of at their worst? Did the experience alter his life for the better or worse?

gwar3711 karma

A few questions.

1.Will you sign my Spinal Tap The Majesty of Rock Vinyl? It's one of my favorite records in my collection. Take a look at it here: http://imgur.com/mtcxV4N

  1. Do you have any funny stories about filming Spinal Tap you'd like to share? It has been one of my favorite movies since I was about 15, and I am now almost 40.

Not a question, but you are awesome in Better Call Saul. I am always super stoked to see you pop up in anything, especially when it's awesome.

gwar379 karma

I saw you at the salt lake airport once, and I said, "Hey, aren't you David Goyer? What the fuck are you doing in Salt Lake." You replied, "I'm going to my cabin to write." You seemed surprised someone recognized you. Anyhow, you were nice, and I really didn't want to bother you, I was just genuinely surprised you were in salt lake city. So, no real question, just thanks for being a nice human being even though I was being a big nerd and talked to you.

gwar379 karma

They gave zero fucks before it was totally legal too. I lived there for 4 years, and it was recreationally legalized within a year or two of moving. Most of my friends say, it's pretty much the same as it was before.