Highest Rated Comments

gyrfalcons23 karma

If you think that sounds bad, this article may be worth a read.

gyrfalcons7 karma

Just wanted to say I hope you guys make it for the Off To The Vet video. And questions wise - there was a mention of notebooks of potential video ideas and that the vet video started out as one. What are some ideas that you've wanted to make into videos but haven't been able to yet? Or what are some ideas you wanted to put into a video but for some reason or the other couldn't?

gyrfalcons5 karma

Oh, no problem, I must've missed that. Could I ask instead what your favourite food is?

gyrfalcons4 karma

Hi! Thanks so much for doing this AMA, your responses are great to read through. Would you mind if I ask what your future plans are, though? How long do you plan to be a performer in porn for, and is there anything in particular you might be looking at doing after that?


gyrfalcons3 karma

Simon's actually got 4 cats, you can see them (plus his background) in this vid.