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habitmelon10 karma

Does this mean Esperanto will be available on Duolingo in the future?

habitmelon6 karma

Bonamici is not a senator, she is in the House of Representatives.

habitmelon3 karma

Now I know that you're thinking of that movie with nukes in the core but that was not exactly cutting edge science advising in that movie.

Yeah, I didn't think so. I've heard Robert Zubrin's argument about the plausibility of melting the polar ice caps on Mars and releasing CO2 and warming up the surface, but that would still eventually leak out into space.

Assuming the core froze out, do you have an idea about the order of magnitude of energy required to heat it up?

habitmelon3 karma

Is it possible to restore Mars' global magnetic field (assuming it had one like Earth's originally)?

habitmelon2 karma

Yeah, I was referring to the spacecraft. That makes sense to build your own, is it possible to modify the software from Earth? The reason I ask is this article about the Mars Pathfinder mentioned that there was a C interpreter that allowed the engineers on Earth to modify global variables in the program on board Pathfinder.