Highest Rated Comments

hacelepues5 karma

I had to stop taking my combined hormone pill because I get migraines with aura frequently, and apparently this increases your risk of stroke significantly. I think I was told that if I continued the pill, I had an 80% chance of stroke by the age 40 (I'm 22).

So I switched to mirena last year, and my migraines have actually become less frequent. I was getting them 2-4 times a month and now I get one every other month. I can't imagine what the combined hormone was doing to me!

hacelepues2 karma

He sounds a lot like my father did when my parents were getting divorced (crazy and making any claim to get what he wanted).

Obviously he could be telling the complete truth, but this is just what he sounds like.

hacelepues2 karma


hacelepues1 karma

Thanks! I figured you knew my contacts haha I'd definitely be interested in getting more opinions though!