Highest Rated Comments

hawtdawgspudder37 karma

Thanks for the update mate, it was cool to see where it was and how it was made. Do you think the people in the houses that you can see from the platform could have known you were there?

hawtdawgspudder25 karma

Hey Dr Karl.

Why do blue eyes seem to dull as one gets older? Is it a common occurance or is the dye leaking out?

hawtdawgspudder9 karma

Hahaha, French Hell's Angels. For some reason i find that to be very amusing. :D

hawtdawgspudder2 karma

What's the go with members of the club from other countries?

Are they automatically classed as brothers and welcomed with open arms?

hawtdawgspudder2 karma

Do you guys as a whole enjoy inflicting pain or is more a matter of honour?

Any incidents that have occured because of the persuit of leisure and not a case of teaching someone a lesson?