Highest Rated Comments

headtailgrep61 karma

Glad you stopped smoking. You look confident and seem to have it together. Are there any career constraints that come about of your condition?

Glad you seem to be staying positive and you're here putting it all on the line! Great work.

headtailgrep50 karma

You call this homesteading. In Canada we just call these people country folks. What's the difference between you living on a homestead or someone in a rural part of the US living on a few acres.

What makes your lifestyle "wholesome" and what does "wholesome" mean?

Thanks eh!

headtailgrep25 karma

If you live in the north yes you get subtantial discounts and property values are also way way lower.

There are also credits for income taxes for northern residents

The problem with wholesome is you can also be wholesome in the city.

Well water 100% depends on what's nearby and it can be better but it can also be way worse. One industry in your water table or a brownfield and it's bad.

What is your grocery store budget monthly?

My kids played outside for years before they became hooked on internet and this is recent. You do get the benefits of acres of property and the greater neighbours too. The thing is I could buy a few acres just a mile or two away and do the same thing and still live near all amenities. Its just called country or Township living here. Some folks live in mansions in the country too :)

Thanks for your perspective. The idea of homesteading just seems so American and I am trying to see what's different in 21st century.

To me homesteading is you get 100 acres in middle of God forsaken nowhere and you take unimproved land and take generations to improve it. After long enough it becomes some kind of money making land such as a farm or logging or whatever but takes a long time. To me homesteading seems far in the past.

headtailgrep17 karma

Young man, you'll regret not getting a higher education and soon realize this and pursue the higher road. This, all of what it is above, and below, for naught, merely a bump in your road.

So good luck to you, you have a long way to go.

By the way, until you sell your bitcoins.. you havent made your money. Diversify your assets please.

headtailgrep17 karma

"Epic" "changed forever" "wild" "origin story"

Gotta add the superlatives to sell it. Marketing to millenials.