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hellschatt15 karma

I was never able to put this in words like you did. Now I can finally explain the type of chocolates I like.

hellschatt9 karma

OP pls

hellschatt4 karma

Gotta put that in Relation to their other income sources and also the total income of both candidates.

hellschatt2 karma

Thank you very much!

As far as I understood, it indeed is the most effective when combined with socialism, such that we have a progressive UBI. It even seems to kill two (or three) birds with one stone:

A UBI can be described as a “social dividend,” an equal dividend paid to all members of a society as equal joint owners of all its means of production. For this reason, its introduction and expansion amounts to making an economic regime more socialist along one dimension.

However, as far as I can tell, this interview does not address the problem of diminishing innovation of companies that are driven by profits. If a company would have to pay higher taxes to allow for UBI as a way of socializing the means of production, wouldn't that mean they would have less, or worse, no incentive to innovate? Innovation for the sake of helping humanity doesn't seem like a realistic suggestions to me as long as we still have some capitalism in the system.

hellschatt2 karma

2 questions. These always come up when talking about UBI, and it makes it difficult for me to fully believe in this solution (although, I still believe it's a step into the right direction).

  1. Wouldn't giving everyone free money just mean more disposable income, which leads to everything being more expensive? I can see it working in small communities, but I cannot see it working for entire countries.
  2. Assuming we artificially freeze the economy from getting everything more expensive, do we have enough ressources in the world to serve everyone? I assume the demand for many products would increase while the companies wouldn't be incentivized to produce more supply, or simply can't produce more supply due to limited ressources.

I feel like for UBI to work we first need some heavy socialism and planned economy first. If a company could for example automate the entire food supply chain with AI, then giving everyone UBI probably wouldn't help, as the company could make their products simply more expensive (inelastic demand?). So, wouldn't a better solution be to regulate the company with the automated food supply chain directly? And that would of course lead to less innovation since companies get punished for it... I only see a vicious cycle.