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heman8400292 karma

What absurd things has management done to pretend to show you they “care” about you?

heman8400216 karma

Never touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it.

heman840028 karma

I worked for my dad at his engineering firm. I never explicitly told anyone why I was able to get a job there, but I explained that I started out doing very basic work (soldering, inventory management, basic testing) and through experience and an interest in taking on more responsibility, moved up to harder tasks like actually designing layouts and prototyping products myself. It made me look good in many different aspects, and was definitely a factor in getting hired, even though the subject matter of these jobs is entirely different. I start next week!

heman84005 karma

What effect would tsunamis have on the rivers (say, the Columbia river going up to Portland) or the inland bays (Puget sound/Elliot bay near Seattle)? Is a tsunami coming in from the Pacific Ocean likely to move through those water systems that far inland or have any effect at all?

heman84005 karma

I lived in the Fuji Provence for two years in the late 00s, and the fears of an “overdue” Tokai earthquake definitely played in to our moving back home (tornadoes woo!). It’s been another 10 years and the catostraphic Tokai hasn’t happened yet.

I think over all, the risks year to year are low, and not generally something to worry about. Japan is pretty good about earthquake danger and tsunami danger maps, so those would be good information to get from the local authorities. Second, take the neighborhood trainings they do seriously, especially if you don’t understand the language super well. Knowing where you need to go, and being prepared will definitely help even if you only have a “medium” earthquake. 4.2 I was in felt like it picked my apartment up and dropped it, and that’s relatively small.

Hopefully someone else can follow up on building information!