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hey_dirty25 karma

I came here to ask the same question because, although you might be a liberal Saudi woman, you still might not be as liberal as, oh, say, a hairy Dutch lesbian pot smoking atheist. (Who, ironically, would also not be interested in marrying outside her social structure.) I am very familiar with Saudi culture and I've worked with hundreds of Saudi students. I think I understand both sides of the argument but I also have to say that as a liberal American cowboy, I'd marry outside of my family's traditional value set tomorrow. I believe that is the most effective way to make a difference.

hey_dirty17 karma

Are the intonations in the Navajo language the same as in some Asian languages (fixed vs. not fixed)? I know Vietnamese has 7 tones and I think Cantonese has the most with 9 levels of intonation.

hey_dirty5 karma

Oh, I originally came to comment on your "my family won't react well" statement. The burden of how they react is all theirs! You're a grown woman and capable of making your own decisions. Thanks for the IAma

hey_dirty2 karma

Why are there so many posts about his penis here and so few posts about his girlfriends rack!?!?! I will never understand you Reddit.

hey_dirty2 karma

I can't think of a more interesting experience than teaching 3rd grade ancient civilizations in that part of the world! Do you get to take them on field trips? If so, where?