Highest Rated Comments

hmchammer75 karma

According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the night sky was also wrong. That's probably the biggest inaccuracy of them all.

hmchammer6 karma

Jenny McCarthy in an immunology class would be started with "Well, I read online that..."

hmchammer1 karma

After reading a few of your responses and what the job description entails, I have never heard of this profession and I am on my last semester at a university to graduate with a B.S. in biology with a minor psychology. Something like this is something I am heavily interested in and want to do more research on how to go about becoming an MLS, but have the slightest clue as to how about going this route. I saw my school does no offer this position, so, my question to you is, what websites can I visit, or what is the process to go about becoming an MLS?

Also, is an MLS a master's degree or just a certification?

hmchammer1 karma

My plan after obtaining my B.S. was to go further for a master's degree anyways... if I were to obtain a master's, would that grant any increase in pay or is it just for resume building purposes?

Also, I saw in another post that you make $26 an hour out of 1 year of school, but what state do you live in that pays like that and what do you think the cap is for a job like that?

Thanks for the response! :)

hmchammer1 karma

Can you elaborate what you mean by special endorsements? So, you mean to say that if I were to exclude the master's degree, I could do any of those specialties because of my degree biology?