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hockeypug28 karma

some days are harder than others. i haven't yet, though. i love the kids.

hockeypug21 karma

1) i work as a teacher at the center, so i'm sure the corrections officers have seen more ridiculousness than i have. i usually only see the students in my classroom or in one of the rooms where i can go to tutor them. for me, the most mindblowing thing is being in a room with students who have committed murder. also, hearing them talk about their everyday lives back home - it's unlike anything i've ever experienced. the crime and poverty that is their norm is nothing like my life.

2) not to my knowledge.

hockeypug20 karma

Zing! Noted. And I don't mean to be a jerk, but you should be using a semicolon instead of a colon here:

I mean, you're attempting to communicate: why make it hard for the reader?

hockeypug20 karma

this brings me to (happy) tears. i'm so glad to see that you've been able to turn things around.

a lot of my kids are defiant and think they know everything (as we all did at that age). i just want to hug them and tell them that it doesn't have to be that way; that they can change it all if they want to.

congratulations. from the bottom of my heart.

hockeypug20 karma

I've had several kids who engaged in consensual sex with people who were 1) younger or 2) of a different race. When the parents of the girls found out, they pressured the girl to say it was rape, even though it may have been consensual. These kids, who had no prior record and were stand-up kids otherwise, now have to register as sex offenders after they've served their time.

One of my favorite students had this happen to him. He was introduced to a girl who told him she was 16 (his age). They had sex. Turns out she was 13, her mom found out, and went after him for it. The police report states that the girl asked if they could change positions several times, for instance (not something you'd request, necessarily, if you were being raped).

Another student, an African American football player, who'd already gotten looks from major colleges, was involved with a white girl whose dad found out. Dad is racist, daughter cried rape even though the two had been dating for awhile.

I'm a woman and don't take kindly to people saying that women cry rape and lie about it, but I've seen what happens when that very thing happens. And it's sad.