Highest Rated Comments

horseradishfistfight2 karma

Other than not getting picked by Tito, how was the TUF experience? Would you do it all over again? If you could've been coached by anyone in the world, who'd it be?

horseradishfistfight2 karma

Hi Steve! When i was in film school, William Gordean did a q&a with TMNT and told us a fascinating story about how dark the original film was supposed to be but the studio wanted a kids film so plot points were changed, score was changed, and dialogue was changed. My question is, does that version of the film exist anywhere?! It sounded incredible and like something a fan of the comics would love!

horseradishfistfight1 karma

Thanks, Ed! Keep kicking ass!

horseradishfistfight1 karma

Hi David,

I LOVED this film and the score. I'm a huge horror fan and I was wondering: how difficult it is to abstain from too much homage? Do you approach a horror film in the same way you have approached your other work, just with different content and textural elements? Are there any other contemporary horror films that you have seen and enjoyed?