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horseydeucey3856 karma

How much different was it to shoot Moon?
Nobody else on the set, ever? That is, unless Kevin Spacey was actually inside the robot (if true, THAT's commitment).

Anyway, I wanted to ask some silly question about Moon because I really enjoyed Moon. And you were 99% of the reason.


horseydeucey23 karma

You speak the language!

horseydeucey6 karma

I'm sure this has been asked millions of times...
How do you get the grass to have two, or three, different shades? Are rollers used? Is the grass cut at different heights? From different directions?

horseydeucey6 karma

Thank you for that. Will wonder no more.

horseydeucey4 karma

I've always wondered this, and have never received a satisfactory answer for:
Why when pitchers are sent up to bunt, don't they bat from their non-natural side? It always terrifies me to see Gio Gonzalez, Strasburg, or Zimmermann square up to bunt with their throwing hand hanging out over the plate.
Bonus question: Where you with the Senators when Ted Williams was skipper? What was that like? How did he handle you pitchers?