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hudspud0 karma

As far as I can tell, the increase in sex crimes today compared with 2004 are well within the expectations of a country like Sweden. Even the organisation BRĂ…, which you might have noticed is a source several people in this thread diligently make use of, do not consider it significant enough to start blaming refugees and immigration.

That's because we are all swinging in the dark. We have no idea if Sweden was naturally progressing and if migrants bumped the numbers back up or if it was just an unusually bad year for rapists. Why you ask? Because Sweden decided to stop collecting migrant crime data once they realized that migrants were far more likely to suspects in homicides and rape cases. The very fact that Sweden works tirelessly to bury any actual data or evidence about migrant crime says more I ever could on the matter. Pardon me for believing someone hiding from the light has something they don't want seen.

And again, I fail to understand why someone would consider me a bullet-maker when my job is to help people become law-abiding citizens. When I have discussions on sex with the teenagers at work, is it my emphasis on the importance of consent that turns them into rapists, or is it my lessons on how to show women respect?

Because you are a part of the mechanism to bring them your country. Just because your small part has a positive effect doesn't mean you aren't another part of the system allowing migrants into your nation who are committing crimes. You are enabling it by doing your part, positive as it may be. Though now that I think about it, I wouldn't put it past Sweden to keep shoveling migrants into their country even if there was no immigration services. Maybe you aren't as guilty as I thought.

hudspud0 karma

Could you please tell me exactly what sex crime laws were changed during that time period and how they would cause such a notable increase in comparison to previous years. How exactly do you believe that these specific legaslative changes had a larger effect on your countries crime rate than accepting in thousands of impoverished people who treat women like livestock?

EDIT: And just so you don't dodge it again, I want exact legslative changes from 2015 to 2016 that caused such a notable increase in sex crimes.

hudspud0 karma

And we have no idea if Sweden was naturally progressing and if migrants bumped the numbers back up or if it was just an unusually bad year for rapists because Sweden intentionally covers up any statistics about migrant crime. Your own government shutting down any attempts to gather actual data doesn't make you the least bit suspicious on the matter?

hudspud-2 karma

You said that the increase in sex crimes from 2015-2016 can be explained exclusively by Swedish legislative changes regarding sex crimes.

Could you please tell me exactly what sex crime laws were changed during that time period and how they would cause such a notable increase in comparison to previous years. How exactly do you believe that these specific legaslative changes had a larger effect on your countries crime rate than accepting in thousands of impoverished people who treat women like livestock?

Also, hypothetically, if you knew that migrants were committing rapes at much higher rates than native Swedes, would you feel any guilt about your compliance in it all?

hudspud-3 karma

You're avoiding my question. What specific laws changed from 2015-2016 to account for a 20% increase in sex crimes in Sweden?

I'm well aware of Sweden's far reaching sex crime legislation. I want to know what changed to cause a massive spike. If you are denying one change (migrants) being the cause, you need to at least first prove a second change (legislative changes about sex crime from 2015-2016) even exists.

I was just curious if you, as a part of the mechanism of bringing persons from regressive societies into your country, felt any guilt about it. Every gear in the machine gets to pass the buck onto the cog sitting next to it but sooner or later it needs to come to grips with its role in the larger scheme of things. I wanted to know how the bullet-maker felt about gun homicides.