Highest Rated Comments

hwoodo942 karma

A lot of your material is either subversive of comedy expectations, or in some cases based much more in pathos than in traditional HA HA humor. When you write, do you sit down and say "okay, at this point, I'm going to try and think outside the box"? Or is this just the natural order of your brain?

hwoodo942 karma

AVClub is a branch of the Onion, but obviously takes a less satirical slant toward what its covering. Do you find that the connection with the Onion reminds you to take a more lighthearted look at your work, or do you find that it undermines the seriousness with which you guys approach your work? Or do you work entirely separately? I dunno, that's why I'm asking you guys.

hwoodo942 karma

Hey Jenny, we gave graduation speeches together last year. I was the guy who wore his childhood blankets during his speech, and you were the one who listed a lot of things, and one was about lizards. Good times had by all.

My question for you is: you've done so much work over a wide range of mediums, YouTube, television, film, web series, etc. How do you decide what your next step is at each point? DO you decide? Or do you just do what tickles your fancy?

hwoodo942 karma

Hey Chris, it's Harry from Massachusetts/Harry/That guy who interviewed you that one time for that one article.

I guess a question I have for you, in light of the new album/your splitsider interview is: Where do you think you draw the line between story-based stand up and humorous stories? Or is there a line at all? As someone who's very interested in both stand up and story slams like The Moth, I often feel like I must create separated material for each, but a lot of your stuff feels like it could make the cross between the two pretty effortlessly. Do you feel like your stories have become more "stand-uppy" as you've done them more in that genre? Could you ever do a set of one-liners (a la that one episode of TCGS)?

Also, now that we've shaved the human fish on air, when do we buzz cut Murf?

hwoodo941 karma

Ana! You're coming to homecoming at my school very soon. Can we hang out?

Go Cats!