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hypotheticals13 karma

What's the worst weather you've had to drive through, and how did you get through it? Same questions, but what's the worst terrain? Also: how the hell does one drive in snow? I live in NC so we just had a depressing taste of what happens when a bunch of people don't know how to drive on ice/snow. Also: favorite stop on the WTP bus tour? And why?

hypotheticals3 karma

Hi. I'm a journalist and I was wondering if you have any advice for journalists trying to report on this issue. I feel like it's a very hard issue to report on because people typically don't care. Readers either feel helpless to change the status quo so the stories just all blend together and have no meaning, or the story is so complicated to explain that few people bother to read it or don't understand it (ie. basically every campaign finance story ever). I'm not taking the pessimistic view of readers, but I feel like it's a case of people having other things to worry about in their life, and since this feels unchangeable, why care what the news reports on this?

hypotheticals3 karma

Thanks for the reply! It's a law of the universe, you can never let good beer go to waste, so good on you. And glad to hear that about UNC. :) I'm a recent UNC grad and was at that talk.