Highest Rated Comments

iLoveBirthmas55 karma

A spinoff of herplede's suggestion: maybe confront her the way she told you? Tell her she doesn't need to say anything, but tell her this thread exists. Give her time to process what you just told her, and leave it at that. If she wants to, she'll read more into it. If not, at least you gave her that option.

I only suggest this because I'm a fan of confronting people in person on important topics, especially if it's your SO. It seems less personal over e-mail/text IMO (and once its online, it's there forever). I'll leave you with the thought that you know her better than any of us, so definitely take that into consideration when reading these suggestions. I give you my regards, internet stranger.

iLoveBirthmas10 karma

My sister has severe epilepsy and probably falls into the 0-200? range so I might be able to provide some perspective. The seizures that come to mind for most people are the ones that are most dramatized, where the person is convulsing on the ground. However there are a bunch of different types of seizures, many of which are less noticeable.

For my sister, one type involves her arms spread out as wide as possible and her eyes roll to the back of her head and her breathing stops for 10-30 seconds. When this was at its worst a few years ago she would have around 15-30 of those a day. Now the more common type she has is just her getting real spacey and zoning out with her eyes looking left and right really quickly. They come and go and in a typical hour she could have dozens of seizures as they're very short in duration.

iLoveBirthmas4 karma

I have a 7 month old son that is a handful


In all seriousness I've had a family member with a somewhat similar experience. It's already hard enough as it is to get a job. I truly do wish you and your family the best of luck!

iLoveBirthmas1 karma

Someone has to do it. Proof?