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iWasHereMomentsAgo4 karma

Hey Katie, thanks so much for doing this AmA! Huge fan of your work on The League, and looking forward to Black Rock as well. In honor of The Office finale tonight, figure'd I'd ask you:

Even though it was a small part, how was it working on that set/sharing a scene with Steve Carell? Best of luck to you!

iWasHereMomentsAgo2 karma

Hey Henry! First and foremost I just wanna say you were hands-down my favorite character on LOST, I loved every aspect of your stoeyline and glad it wrapped up the way it did. I know you lived in Glasgow for a period of time, my mother was born there and lived in St. Vincent Crescent. I was lucky enough to have her take me back over there about 5 years ago (Partick in particular) but also Glasgow, Luss, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Stirling among some other places, I absolutely loved it, beautiful country, and hope to return at some point soon. How often are you back in Scotland, and where is your favorite place to go when there? Best of luck with everything, brotha!

iWasHereMomentsAgo2 karma

Hey guys, thanks so much for coming back!
Kate, I'm a fellow Nazarethian, what are some of your favorite go to spots when you are back home?
Riki, how fun was it filming Hell Baby? I imagine working with that cast was a ridiculously awesome time.
Looking forward to the new show!

iWasHereMomentsAgo1 karma

Hey Harry, thanks so much for doing this AMA! I know it was quite a while ago, but any fond memories of shooting the Leave It To Beaver pilot back in the day? Keep up the awesome work, looking forward to it all!

...purple monkey dishwasher