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iamfromjobland25 karma

What is your view on Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard? How is favoring one race (under represented minority) over another constitutional?

iamfromjobland8 karma

Thank you so much for your reply Professor!

Follow up question: How come California’s Prop 209 not conflict with the Bakke case? Are professional schools exempt from prop 209? It seems like UC undergrad conforms to Prop209 whereas their professional schools dont.

iamfromjobland2 karma

Hi Professor, thank you for taking time to do another AMA.

I was wondering what’s your view on Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) vs. Harvard case. Harvard justifies its current admissions practice on the basis of previous Supreme Court cases and that it’s to promote diversity on their campus. From what I understand regarding the cases, I thought that schools are only allowed to use diversity and race for select spots in admissions process, not as a main driver for its process. It seems like schools are favoring one race over another, which I think is unconstitutional. Also, I think the admissions system based on affirmative action works against its ideals it was founded on. I’m an Asian immigrant who grew up poor, contrary to stereotypes of typical Asian students. And yet, schools place the same expectations of scores and extracurricular that they place on more well off Asian families just because I happen to be the same race as them, whereas “under-represented minorities” with privileged upbringing can be admitted to schools with lower credentials. It seems like people with similar background as me would have almost no chance in reaching schools like Harvard even if they put in all the effort.

Thank you and I’m looking forward to reading your reply.