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iamgeek120 karma

So I noticed you briefly mentioned technology in one of the other questions. What exactly are you using for your CPE? You say your fiber circuit has a maximum capacity of 10gbps, what capacity are you currently provisioned at? What radios are you using on your tower? Any plans to multi-home? Are you using a carrier grade NAT or did you purchase/rent some IP space? What are you using for routing and switching? Will you support IPv6 right from the start? Do you have emergency power at your headend (in this case, a tower)? Would you be willing to share the pricing on your backhaul and some of the build out costs?

iamgeek120 karma

One thing I will suggest, although your customers may be your friends, may seem like nice people; there will be extreme backlash at outages. Internet access is a necessary utility in 2017 and without it, people (rightfully) flip their shit.

iamgeek118 karma

You've got one up on my small time ISP. This guy services right around 1000 customers and has ZERO redundancy. None. Slightest of flickers at his headend (which is located in the middle or nowhere, in a residential/farm area, in one of those sheds you buy from Lowe's) and we experience a 10+ minute outage. Any flicker anywhere upstream and it's over until the equipment power cycles (it is an HFC network so lots of amplifiers along the way). We had a major storm come thru a few months ago where his headend didn't have power for DAYS; the backlash from customers was insane. It's honestly a joke and I don't understand how he's been in business for 20 years.

He's letting everything run into the ground. Of his TV offerings, none are transmitted digitally nor are in HD. I really wish I could afford to start a GPON ISP. I could run him into the ground in a week.

iamgeek115 karma

I'm sorry. I broke some Reddit etiquette by editing right after I posted it. I realized I had more questions but you responded too quick.

iamgeek19 karma

I'm not the person answering the IamA but it's really easily to get fiber installed most places. He basically just bought dedicated bandwidth (and maybe some IP space), same as you'd find in many larger business offices. Initial build out is typically done by the people providing the bandwidth (there are, of course exceptions).